Our Mission


"Glorious shall be the battle when the time comes to fight for our people and our race."

- Marcus Garvey


Welcome to Unity for Black Communities!


U4BC is an online community, discussion based, and eCommerce environment that is welcome to anyone who supports black communities. U4BC's mission is to unify the black communities and become part of a movement to inspire freedom, love, success, unity, support, beauty, respect, and understanding for black people.

U4BC is NOT a means for spreading hate, but a tool that can be used to help members promote their business and sell products, a guide to connect everyone and discover our roots, and a bridge to help black people come together and organize effective solutions that will uplift our communities, combat oppression, and help dispute any form of social injustice that may occur in the world.

Visitors like you can help U4BC grow by buying our products and signing up free of charge. Become a member, invite everyone you know to join, get involved, get connected, and expand the online community. You can also support U4BC by donating and purchasing subscriptions that are provided for members throughout the website. Now is the time for us to come together and carry-on Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of achieving a Post-Racial America, and make our world a better place. Support black communities, support black businesses, and more importantly, support black lives!

Join the Movement! 



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